# Vue Advanced reactivity

# Problem with calling methods inside {{}}:

it gets called everytime anything on the page changes. -> bad performance

-> Methods are not the best way, to output dynamically calulated values

# Computed Properties

Computed properties provide a performance improvement. They are like Methods, but only update, when a value changes.

expexts an Object, where you define methods - just like methods

computed: {
  image() {
    return this.variants[this.selectedVariant].image
  inStock() {
    return this.variants[this.selectedVariant].quantity
  • naming: the computed property is used like a data-property, not like a method. so name it as you would name a data-property
  • important: don't call the computed property, just point at it -> write without () !
  • computed properties are used to output data, not like a function
  • always return a value

Computed Properties can watch multiple properties

 computed: {
    fullname() {
			return this.name + ' ' + this.lastName

(whenever one of the properties change, the computed property will update)

# Watch

Function to execute, if one of its dependecies changes.

expexts an Object, where you define methods - just like methods

watch: {
	  name() {


Watcher uses a name used in a data- or computed-property.

-> whenever the property changes, the watcher method will run.

  • watchers don't return anything

  • watchers automatically have the value of the property as an argument

     watch: {
        name(value) {
          this.fullname = value + ' Doe'
  • you can also have the previous value as an argument:

    watch: {
    	name(newValue, oldValue) {...}
  • Watchers can only watch ONE Property

Watchers are used for example to check if a value exeeds a certain Number:

  watch: {
    counter(value) {
      if (value > 50) {
        this.counter = 0

or to send HTTP_requests, if certain data changes, or set a timer...

# Methods vs. Computed vs. Watchers

Methods: for event- or data-binding. Data-binding: re-executed for every re-render. Use for events or data that needs to be re-evalueted every time

Computed: data-binding. only re-evaluated if one of their used values changed. Use for data that depends on other data

Watch: not directly used in template. Run code in reaction to changed data. Use for non-data updates